

Gazprom Card

Enjoy the Benefits at any Moment

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The Project

The project came a little bit unexpected, as we were originally hired for another job. After successfully working for a year for NIS Gazprom Neft, we were asked to improve the UX, and then to design the user interface of the new application. My job was managing the internal team and also creating initial UX and UI design as a foundation. The application was created for corporations, so the UX was heavily influenced by their inputs.
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Two sides of the
same coin

The client wanted an application for drivers and managers. Managers needed an application to manage the consumption of fuel and to control cards. Drivers wanted an application for navigating to gas stations that offer the fuel they use. We managed to do both. Also, we improved the process of choosing the gas station through the introduction of filters for additional benefits of the gas stations and types of fuels.

Final Thoughts

It rarely happens that you know who exactly will be using the application and what do they need. In terms of usage, it was challenging to put together two completely different users in one app without interfering with each other. Also, creating the application for such a large client was a great pleasure and experience.
Next Project

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