

Models Inc

Representative of Elite Model Management

Models Inc Cover photo

The Project

The client wanted to update the old website. They wanted a new, fresh and modern website they can easily update and manage by themselves. I was in charge of this project, and after hearing what they need, I offered to create it in Webflow. This was my first Webflow project for a client, but I had some experience working on this lovely portfolio before your eyes. So, I designed and developed it all by myself.
Models Inc Cover photo

Taking charge with no-code

As I've already said, this was my first official Webflow project. I was nervous, not knowing what to expect going in because it was all my responsibility, and I was the one pushing the idea. Designing the website was relatively simple because the client already somewhat knew what they wanted. They gave me good guidelines and explained to me what was supposed to be the main purpose of the website - gathering new candidates and promoting existing models.

Final Thoughts

I was really proud when I finished this project. The client got a fresh design, easy administration, and fast delivery. Besides a few custom codes, everything worked smoothly and opened few more projects where I worked in Webflow.
Next Project


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