


City Shopping Network

ooblee cover

The Project

ooblee is a unique application that connects the local community and sales. Primarily it is focused on small businesses that are trying to reach potential customers in their surroundings. Together with the client, I managed to develop three main segments of the application - Main feed, Social, and Shop. I have created a design system, brand, and application prototype. The application is now live, but further development is still ongoing.
App StorePlay StoreWebsite

The Main Feed of the app is actually great filter

The first thing you come across after creating an account is the main feed. Filtering through countries, cities, professions and shops, the user can find everything that a particular city can offer.

Not your tipical Social Network

Another big part of the app is the Social Network. There, users can find friends and everything that is happening in the city without having to put up with the ads or worry if their data will be collected. It is simply a gathering place where they can socialize.

Free Shop for everyone

Creating the Shop was a real challenge for this project. Creating good UX for e-commerce on the mobile application was an interesting adventure. Users are getting all the advantages that e-commerce systems are offering but from the commodity of their mobile phones. This was the biggest part of the app that I perfected with a client for a year, trying to implement all the requirements for the Shop.

Admin Panel

The business is organized in such a way that every city or at least every country has a local partner. Their obligations are to take care of the local community and to set up advertising prices. Therefore, we needed to provide them a clear admin panel that is easy to use and covers all of their needs. My job was to create a whole user experience and to design a user interface. There is also a dedicated place for local partners in the ooblee app, but on the website, there are more options and it’s much clearer.
ooblee admin panel

Final Thoughts

ooblee was the biggest project I have worked on so far. For around two years, I created around 800 screens alongside the client. It was a great adventure where I learned a lot about designing large design systems and complex UX problems. It was not easy to always agree with the client, but I managed to merge business and user needs in one application.
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