

Vinci Belgrade Airport

A new travel experience

Vinci Hero

The Project

After Vinci acquired the Nikola Tesla airport in Belgrade, the agency I worked for was asked to take over and ensure a smooth transition to the website. It was my first time as a Project Manager. My job was to manage 5 teams and make sure everything was on a schedule. Also, I had to design the website in line with Vinci’s design system and guidelines. I was able to add a few new UI elements that were later implemented on other Vinci Airport family websites.
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Design as a secondary objective

As I mentioned, I had to manage 5 teams on this project. I had a lot of help with technical information, as I could not apprehend how large airport systems are. I communicated with external developers, Vinci France team, France server and hosting team, Belgrade airport team, and also, our internal team. It was a very big project, but everything went smoothly, and we have continued our cooperation since 2018.

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The Application

In early 2020, Belgrade Airport asked us to create the application for the airport. Although we finished the design of the application, development wasn't realized until mid-2021. For the development, I had to alter the design a little bit because it turned out that skeuomorphism design isn't practical for people with visual impairment. I pointed out that it's very important to include the full range of human diversity concerning ability, language, culture, gender and age.
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